RTAC Air-Cooled Rotary Liquid Chiller 螺杆式冷水机(年度保养)检查报告 |
Service Excellence North China Service |
Customer Job Name 客户工程名称 |
Maintenance Date 保养工作日期 |
M/D/Y (月/日/年)
Trane Job Number
公司工程编号 |
Job address 工程地点 |
Unit Model # 机组型号 |
Unit Serial # 机组出厂编号 |
The Following Procedures Must be Performed by a Qualified Experienced Trane Service Technician.
No |
Yearly Maintenance Procedures 年度保养程序
ü |
NO POWER SUPPLY WARNING: Disconnect All The Electric Power Including Remote Disconnects Before Servicing. Failure To Disconnect Power Can Cause Severe Personal Injury Or Death. 注意:检测前保证确实断开所有电气电源包括远端电源开关.否则可能引起人员伤亡. |
1 |
机组压缩机电机部分 Compressor/Motor |
1 |
检查及收紧压缩机电机电源端子 Check & tight all terminal of motor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 |
检测电机三相线圈高温保护开关Test motor winding high temp. protection switch-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
BT~W |
压缩机A CompA |
压缩机B CompB |
压缩机C CompC |
压缩机D CompD |
通 断 |
通 断 |
通 断 |
通 断 |
3 |
检测压缩机电机三相线圈之绝缘阻抗测试 Megger Test for motor ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
双-三角型 |
星-三角型 |
Comp1A-MW |
Comp1B-MW |
Comp2A-MW |
Comp2B-MW |
线圈1 |
T1 To Earth |
T1 To Earth |
T1 To T2 |
T2 To Earth |
T1 To T3 |
T3 To Earth |
T2 To T3 |
T1 To T2 |
线圈2 |
T4 To Earth |
T1 To T3 |
T4 To T5 |
T2 To T3 |
T4 To T6 |
T1 To T4 |
T5 To T6 |
T2 To T5 |
T1 To T4 |
T3 To T6 |
4 |
清洁/除尘机组压缩机马达接线端子箱 Clean all terminal of motor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 |
机组启动器箱部分 Starter Panel of Compressor/Motor |
1 |
检查及收紧机组启动器箱内所有之电源接线端子 Check & Tight all of power terminal ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 |
检查及收紧启动器箱内所有控制接线端子 Check & Tight all of control terminal ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3 |
检测压缩机电机起动器内之所有其它电气装置 Check all auxiliary equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
4 |
检查电磁接触器部分 Check the contact of the contactor------------------------------------------------------------------- |
检查启动器箱内所有电磁接触器触点状态 Status of the contactor ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
良好 |
可接受 |
建议更换 |
清洁启动器箱内所有电磁接触器接触器触点,线圈,衔铁,机械护锁等部件 Clean the contact of the contactor -------------------------- |
5 |
清洁/除尘机组压缩机启动器箱 Clean the starter panel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3 |
机组压缩机电机轴承润滑系统 lubrication System |
1 |
供应及更换冷冻机润滑油(如合同内容不包括,另行报价) Replace the lubrication oil(To be quoted extra)------------------------------------------------------- |
2 |
供应及更换冷冻机油过滤器(如合同内容不包括,另行报价) Replace the oil filter(To be quoted extra)----------------------------------------------------- |
3 |
记录油槽油位(停机状态) Check the oil level(unit stop)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
环路#1油位 oil level of circuit #1 |
____________ |
Inches |
环路#2油位 oil level of circuit #2 |
____________ |
Inches |
4 |
以原厂测试剂测试冷冻机润滑油品质(酸度) Test the quality of oil------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
润滑油良好 fine |
建议更换润滑油 suggest to change |
5 |
检查油加热器/加热器套管状态 Status of the oil heater ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
6 |
检查压缩机油加热器阻值 Test ohm of oil heater ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Comp A |
Comp B |
Comp C |
Comp D |
曲轴箱加热阻值 ohm of oil heater |
___________W |
___________W |
___________W |
___________W |
7 |
清洁/除垢机组润滑系统 Clean lubrication system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
4 |
机组控制机械部分 Controlled/Mechanical Parts |
1 |
检查及调整冷水流量/压差开关 Check & adjust chill water flow/pressure differential switch --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 |
清洁/除尘CH530控制箱 Clean controlled panel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
5 |
机组冷凝热交换器及冷凝风扇 Cond. & Condenser fan |
1 |
检测及收紧所有之冷凝风扇电源端子Check & tight all of power terminal of the condenser fan-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 |
马达线圈对地绝缘阻抗测试 Megger Test for motor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
绝缘正常电机数量 number of normal |
_______________ |
绝缘不正常良好电机数量 number of abnormal |
_______________ |
3 |
检查紧固所有冷凝电机固定装置及风扇固定装置Check all of fixing device ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
4 |
检查所有冷凝风扇转动情况Check rotatory condenser fan-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
5 |
修整冷凝器翅片Repair wing of Cond. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
6 |
使用专用化学清洗剂清洗机组冷凝热交换器(如合同内容不包括,另行报价) Chemical cleaning for Cond. coil (To be quoted)------------------------------- |
7 |
使用专用机械清洗设备清洗机组冷凝热交换器(如合同内容不包括,另行报价) Fresh water cleaning for Cond. Coil (To be quoted)---------------------------- |
6 |
机组蒸发热交换器 |
1 |
使用专用化学清洗剂循环清洗机组蒸发热交换器(如合同内容不包括,另行报价) Chemical cleaning for Evap. Coil (To be quoted)------------------------- |
2 |
检查蒸发器加热器阻值_____________W - Measure resistance of Evap. heater ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
7 |
机组例行渗漏检测 Leakage Regular Test |
注意:必须使用电子检漏仪或肥皂泡法对机组进行全面检漏 Note: should be use special equipment(electronic leak detector or soap-bubble) -------------------------------------------- |
无泄漏点 leakless |
有泄漏点,已维修 leak-off ,already repaired |
8 |
机组渗漏检测(如合同内容不包括,另行报价) Leakage Test (To be quoted) |
1 |
使用专用制冷剂回收设备对机组进行制冷剂回收工作 Remove refrigerant use special equipment ---------------------------------------------------------- |
2 |
机组充注氮气检漏测试 Test with nitrogen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3 |
机组真空测试 Vacuum Test -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
保压测试压力 Test pressure |
____________ |
真空测试 vacuum |
____________ |
9 |
主机机体除锈喷漆(如合同内容不包括,另行报价) Get the rust off & lacquer(To be quoted) |
1 |
对生锈处除锈并补漆 Get the rust off & lacquer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 |
整台机组除锈喷漆 All unit with lacquer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3 |
机组损坏保温复原 Replace isolator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
POWER SUPPLY WARNING: To prevent injury or death due to electrocution, take extreme care when performing service procedures with electrical power energized.注意:为避免在通电情况下,可能引起人员伤亡.要求十分小心进行以下检修程序 |
1 |
机组压缩机电机启动器箱部分 Starter Panel |
1 |
测量供电电源相间电压 Test supply phase voltage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
AB |
______ |
BC |
______ |
CA |
______ |
2 |
测量控制电源变压器1T1次级电压 Test secondary voltage of the control transform ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1TB3-1~1TB3-2 |
___________ |
2 |
机组控制及保护电路系统 Control & protection device system |
1 |
检测冷冻水进/出水温度传感器 Check entering/exit water temperature sensor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 |
检测电子膨胀阀Check electronic expansion valve----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3 |
检测压缩机吐出端温度感知器Check discharge temp. sensor----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
4 |
检测冷媒饱和温度传感器 Check refrigerant temperature sensor of Evap.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
5 |
记录油加热运转电流Record running current of oil heater ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Comp A |
Comp B |
Comp C |
Comp D |
曲轴箱加热电流 current of oil heater |
___________A |
___________A |
___________A |
___________A |
6 |
记录更换时间,如供应及更换压缩机润滑油或压缩机油过滤器 Record time if change luboil / oil filter ------------------------------------------------ |
更换润滑油时运行时间 Running time while change luboil |
___________H |
更换油过滤器时运行时间 Running time while change oil filter |
___________H |
7 |
校正及调整主机设定参数Check & adjust unit setting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
UNIT RUNNING WARNING: To prevent injury or death due to electrocution, take extreme care when performing service procedures with electrical power energized.注意:为避免在通电情况下,可能引起人员伤亡.要求十分小心进行以下检修程序 |
1 |
1 |
记录压缩机电机实际运转电流 Record actual running current of compressor motor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Comp A运转电流 Running current |
Comp B运转电流 Running current |
Comp C运转电流 Running current |
Comp D运转电流 Running current |
A相 phase A B相 phase B C相 phase C |
___________A |
___________A |
___________A |
___________A |
2 |
检视不正常之噪音、振动及高温 Check any noise, vibration & abnormally temp.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3 |
检测冷媒过滤器温差 Record the temp. differential through refrigerant filter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
4 |
记录油过滤器压差 Record the oil pressure differential -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
高油压 high oil pressure |
_______ |
低油压 low oil pressure |
_______ |
油压差 pressure different-ial |
_______ |
5 |
检测是否有损坏之零件 Check any defective parts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
有损坏零配件 yes |
无损坏零配件 no |
A |
B |
C |
Circuit环路 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
Compressor 压缩机 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
A |
B |
C |
D |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Unit Voltage 机组电压 |
B-C |
C-A |
Last Diagnostic 最近一次故障 |
Evap H2O Ent 蒸发器进水温度 F/C |
Evap H2O Lvg 蒸发器出水温度 F/C |
Outdoor Air Temp 室外温度(选装) F/C |
Compressor Mode 压缩机运转模式 |
Compressor Suction 压缩机吸气温度 F/C |
Saturated Evap Temp 饱和蒸发器制冷剂温度 F/C |
Evap. Ref. Press. PSIG/Kpa 饱和蒸发器制冷剂压力 Psig/Kpa |
Saturated Cond Temp 饱和冷凝器制冷剂温度 F/C |
Cond. Ref. Press. 饱和冷凝器制冷剂压力 Psig/Kpa |
Compressor % RLA 压缩机运行电流% |
% Line Volts 机组运行电压%(选装) |
Compressor Starts 压缩机启动次数(选装) |
Compressor Hours 压缩机运转小时(选装) |
Evp Press W/Test Gauge 压力表实测蒸发器压力 Psig/Kpa |
Cnd PressW/Test Gauge 压力表实测冷凝器压力 Psig/Kpa |
Chilled Water PD: 冷冻水压差 Psig/Kpa |
System Subcool 系统过冷度 F/C |
System Superheat 系统过热度 F/C |
Oil Level: 油位 |
Circuit 环路1 |
_____________Inches/Mm (停机后测量) |
Circuit 环路2 |
_____________Inches/Mm (停机后测量) |
Menu Discription 项目解释 |
Choices 选择范围 |
Default 出厂默认值 |
Setting 设定值 |
1 |
Front Panel Chilled Water Setpoint 前面板冷冻水温度设定点 |
- |
2 |
Front Panel Current Limit Setpoint 前面板电流限制设定点 |
3 |
Differential to Start 启动温差设定点 |
4 |
Differential to Stop 停机温差设定点 |
5 |
Condenser Limit Setpoint 冷凝器限制设定点 |
6 |
Low Ambient Lockout Setpoint 低温锁定设定点 |
7 |
Leaving Water Temp. Cutout 出水温度切断点 |
8 |
Low Refrigerant Temp. Cutout 低冷媒温度切断点 |
9 |
Ice Building 制冰允许 |
10 |
Compressor 1A Pumpdown 回收冷剂,压缩机1A |
11 |
Compressor 1B Pumpdown 回收冷剂,压缩机1B |
12 |
Compressor 2A Pumpdown 回收冷剂,压缩机2A |
13 |
Compressor 2B Pumpdown 回收冷剂,压缩机2B |
14 |
EXV Ckt1 Open 1环路电子膨胀阀 |
15 |
EXV Ckt2 Open 2环路电子膨胀阀 |
16 |
Front Panel Ckt1 Lockout 前面板1环路锁定 |
17 |
Front Panel Ckt2 Lockout 前面板2环路锁定 |
18 |
External Chilled Water Setpoint 外部冷冻水设定点 |
19 |
External Current Limit Setpoint 外部电流限制设定点 |
20 |
Date 日期 |
21 |
Time of Day 时间 |
22 |
Display Units 显示单位 |
23 |
Language Selection 语言选择 |
24 |
Under/Over Voltage Protection 过、欠压保护 |
25 |
Design Delta Temp. 设计温差 |
26 |
Reset Type 重设形式 |
27 |
Return Reset Ratio 重设比例 |
28 |
Chilled Water Pump Delay Time 冷冻水泵延时 |
Comments and/or Recommendations 建议:
Customer Signature 客户签字 |
Name(Block Letters) :
Date: 日期: |
Service Technicians Name: 技术服务人员 |
Office: 维修部门 |